The shortest month of the year is flying by, and there are several events fast approaching of which we would like to make you aware:
1. Tips for Making Time for What’s Important
The GWPA is hosting a time management workshop led by Dr. Sara Melita. Dr. Melita works for GW’s Colonial Temps team providing career development advice as a consultant, executive coach, facilitator, and trainer. Come join us for food and some pointers on how to make the most of your time!
February 20 (Wednesday), 12 PM - 1:30 PM
Science and Engineering Hall (SEH) 2000
Lunch will be provided -- please RSVP to
2. GWPA Research Updates
The GWPA is offering you the chance to sharpen your presentation skills through informal talks once a month. We are aiming to make this an ideal way to practice for an upcoming conference presentation or to just get feedback on your research. Afterward we'll provide food.
February 25th (Monday), 4:30 PM - 6 PM
Ross Hall room 201A
3. Tools for Maximizing Postdoc Success and Career Transitions
Dr. Chiara Manzini will lead a seminar focused on postdoc professional development. Lunch will be provided. If you are interested please RSVP to Luara Radville (
February 27 (Wednesday, 12 PM - 1 PM
Ross Hall room 602
Please RSVP to Laura Radville (!
4. Lastly, we invite you to eagerly anticipate a Mardis Gras event held on March 8th. Details coming soon!!